Monday, 2021-11-15

airship-irc-bot<mf4716> URGENT v2.1 Release PS for Airshipctl, if we can get Core and WF review please:
airship-irc-bot<aodinokov> @mf4716 if we give WF only for this it won't be merged anyway, because it a part of a chain of 4 commits15:52
airship-irc-bot<aodinokov> if you're saying it is urgent, that will require resolving merge conflicts here and here
airship-irc-bot<aodinokov> you're saying it's part of 2.1. I guess it's possible to make it mergeable relatively quickly. do we want that?15:55
airship-irc-bot<aodinokov> ok. seems to be 2.115:56
airship-irc-bot<mb551n> @aodinokov quick thought, are you looking at the chain in reverse? as far as I can tell the change is the second link and is only based on top of
airship-irc-bot<aodinokov> no, I understand that, but I also see that the 3rd PR in the chain takes benefits of changes introduced on 1st and second :slightly_smiling_face:16:01
airship-irc-bot<aodinokov> I guess we can merge the first 216:02
airship-irc-bot<aodinokov> even though there are no changes in manifests :slightly_smiling_face:16:03
airship-irc-bot<aodinokov> I see some little issues with that 2 patchsets, e.g. deepcopy isn't regenerated even though API is modified.. we chatted with Ruslan and he said he will prepare that chain to be merged.. So I guess we'll have it soon16:09
airship-irc-bot<raliev> @mf4716 @aodinokov regarding the issues #544 and #545: we almost do not use generic containers, we use KRM instead and soon all the executors will be switched to this type, so the issue should be named "KRM timeout support", any work to enable timeout for generic container is basically waste of time. Also generic containers have unsolved issues (like this) - that's another reason why we don't use them anymore.  regarding the PS chain16:58
airship-irc-bot- it requires additional work, since some of the patchsets have missing changes, some have merge conflicts, and basically the order of commits is wrong - the first commit should switch to KRM to build iso image, the second one removes generic container type, and the final one is timeout support (for KRM)  If required, I can quickly prepare the necessary changes to solve the timeout issue. If so, please reassign github issue to me and then I'll16:58
airship-irc-botstart work on it.16:58
airship-irc-bot<mf4716> @raliev, can you discuss with @grahaman27, as he recently inherited these issues?  Include @dwalt in the conversations, if not already.  If needed, I can host a call to discuss.17:07
airship-irc-bot<aodinokov> @mf4716 there are 2 options. Ruslan can fix and merge it quickly (in that case, please assign that issues to him) or Graham may work on that, in that case - Ruslan and me will provide the feedback via review.. I guess the second option is slower.17:18
airship-irc-bot<raliev> @mf4716 I think I described the problem in detail, so I don't know what to discuss on the call to be honest, also I don't know why so many participants required (Drew is not assigned on these issues)17:20
airship-irc-bot<mf4716> Any opportunity to accelerate the PSs would be appreciated as AS2 v2.1 commits are needed ASAP this week.  I'll reach across offline to discuss path-forward.  Thanks @aodinokov, @raliev.17:26
airship-irc-bot<aodinokov> np @mf4716 :slightly_smiling_face: if we want to accelerate - let's Ruslan do this, he knows that part really well - it will be much quicker for him than to review17:29

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