Tuesday, 2021-10-12

airship-irc-bot<ma257n> Yes. I have successfully tested my calico dual stack with kubeadm following the steps mentioned above. Now i am trying to test the manifests using  AIAIP due to non-availability of lab. The issue seems to be that the VMs that are created in AIAP are not getting the IPV6 addressed sent out by the radvd daemon. Something related with the routing between the virbr0 on the pod and the host.09:46
airship-irc-bot<awander> Some suggestions: (i) See if ip6table rules are getting in the way? (ii) Consider first manually assigning an IPV6 address and seeing if you can reach the VM from the host. On the VM, make sure there exists a default route back to the host: sudo ip -6 r a default dev <interface> (iii) If the above works, now try VM-Host-VM communication (iv) You may also want use tcpdump/wireshark to watch traffic on the interfaces. Maybe start with13:52
airship-irc-botsimple ICMP6/ping6.13:52

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