Friday, 2021-08-06

airship-irc-bot<ermurugesanbe> Hi Core Reviewers, Looking for +2 reviews, v2.0 airshipctl build failing, its fixed by updating go.mod file.06:03
airship-irc-bot<vetbijaya> Hi team, can I get some reviews on this PS related to plan status cmd Thank you in advance!13:32
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> Hi team, is `env_vars: true` still supported in `manifests/function/clusterctl/clusterctl.yaml`?  It seems that some environment variables expected by `capz` have not been passed to `airshipctl phase run clusterctl-init-ephemeral`. Note it works when testing using `clusterctl init --infrastructure azure`.13:53
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> Ok, changed strategy for passing env vars to `clusterctl` krm container using `additional_vars:`. When passing `boolean` env vars, the `airshipctl phase run clusterctl-init-ephemeral` fails.  `additional-vars:`   `AZURE_CLUSTER_IDENTITY_SECRET_NAME: target-cluster-identity-secret`   `CLUSTER_IDENTITY_NAME: target-cluster-identity`   `AZURE_CLUSTER_IDENTITY_SECRET_NAMESPACE: default`   `EXP_MACHINE_POOL: true`   `EXP_AKS: true` 15:24
airship-irc-bot`$ airshipctl phase run clusterctl-init-ephemeral --debug` `v1alpha1.Clusterctl.AdditionalComponentVariables: ReadString: expects " or n, but found t, error found in #10 byte of ...|EXP_AKS":true,"EXP_M|..., bigger context ...|ENTITY_NAME":"target-cluster-identity","EXP_AKS":true,"EXP_MACHINE_POOL":true},"apiVersion":"airship|...`  Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug?15:24
airship-irc-bot<raliev> try to put your values in quotes, e.g. `EXP_AKS: "true"`15:32
airship-irc-bot<aodinokov> ```EXP_AKS: >   true``` notation should also work if you don't like explicit ""15:57
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> @aodinokov triple checked with _`clusterctl`_ and issue is *not* with the non-quoted *`true`* value when trying to deploy an AKS cluster. Please, disregard this message thread.16:18

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