Tuesday, 2021-07-27

airship-irc-bot<raliev> @sidney.shiba it looks like embedded metadata support was removed from clusterctl starting from version 0.4.0: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api/issues/3515 https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api/pull/4033  ```the embedded metadata within clusterctl has been removed (as of v1alpha4) to prevent the reliance on using the latest version of clusterctl in order to pull newer provider releases.```05:35
airship-irc-bot<sirishagopigiri> @sidney.shiba I think they are still having metadata.yaml file but with `"clusterctl.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1alpha3"`  support for v1alpha3 and v1alpha4 as well. So metadata.yaml in this format will work I think https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/airshipctl/+/802025/2/manifests/function/cabpk/v0.4.0/data/metadata.yaml. https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api/blob/v0.4.0/metadata.yaml#L606:51
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> Hi Ruslan, thanks for the info. The go function `pkg/phase/executors/clusterctl.go/initReportData()` checks the existence of `medatada.yaml` file for each providers. I spent a few hours to realize that CAPZ did not have such need until recently. Should this function and may be others be updated to fit `clusterctl v1alpha4`?14:20
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> Hi Sirisha, thanks for the info. I also realize that yesterday while analyzing Cluster API code. I have fixed that but then got stuck when the `clusterctl executor` is executed in a container. Do you know how I can troubleshoot this executor by any chance, e.g., `docker run` ... ?14:23
airship-irc-bot<raliev> yes, according to optional presence of metadata, initRepoData function should be slightly updated (just not to raise an error if metadata document wasn’t found). I’ll create a PS for that change 14:31
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> Btw, found the issue for `metadata.yaml` values. I fixed it and now it passed the document validation and deployed the `cert-manager.` It is failing now during the deployment of `capi-kubeadm` but should be an issue with `kustomization`, this time.15:45
airship-irc-bot<james.gu> https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/airshipctl/+/789934 Update go-redfish/client module version to match the version of go-redfish15:51
airship-irc-bot<james.gu> https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/go-redfish/+/789847 Upgrade openapi generator to v5.1.015:52
airship-irc-bot<raliev> yeah, regarding metadata.yaml just checked the clusterctl documentation - requirement to have `metadata` is still there (just default embedded metadata won't be generated anymore) : ```The provider repository MUST contain the following files:  The metadata YAML The components YAML``` so I think we should proceed with solution Sirisha provided15:52
airship-irc-bot<james.gu> https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/treasuremap/+/795172 Allow validate script to read airship config15:53
airship-irc-bot<james.gu> and a few other PS that can use reviews:15:53
airship-irc-bot<james.gu> https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/airshipctl/+/796050 Added phase helper to power off ephemeral baremetal node15:54
airship-irc-bot<james.gu> https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/airshipctl/+/793254 Upgrade capm3, bmo and ironic to latest release15:54
airship-irc-bot<james.gu> https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/airshipctl/+/797728 Check if airship images exist in clean.sh15:55

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