Wednesday, 2021-05-19

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airship-irc-bot<sirishagopigiri> Hi Core reviews, Requesting some reviews on the below PSs: (related to airshipctl #281 issue) (related to airshipctl #280 issue) (related to airshipctl #280 issue) Thank you in advance!12:49
airship-irc-bot<ih616h> GM team, I'm looking for some reviews on this PS which splits the deployment scripts into type-specific directories:
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airship-irc-bot<sirishagopigiri> Hi Team, looking for some reviews on the below PSs: (related to treasuremap issue #27) (related to airshipctl #280 issue) (related to airshipctl #280 issue) (related to airshipctl #280 issue) T14:17
airship-irc-botyou in advance!14:17
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airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> Hi team, I spent a few hours yesterday and today with Vladimir troubleshooting the deployment of a baremetal target cluster, which is *behind a proxy*. Got to the point where the controlplane cluster has timed out in the phase *initinfra-networking-target*. None of the pod reach the Ready condition, despite having calico/tigera pods all in Running state. Simple question. _*Has treasuremap/airshipctl been validated when baremetal17:09
airship-irc-bottarget cluster deployment is behind a proxy?*_17:09
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> i dont think we have any validation against against proxies at all17:11
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> So that might be the reason many of us are having issues deploying the cluster behind the lab proxy. Note that I had no issues with deployment without proxy but stuck for weeks on this issue. Shouldn't that be a requirement as I am assuming the downstream team will be deploying behind proxy?17:14
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> Btw, I have the perfect environment for troubleshooting if anyone else dares to help to get this use case to work consistently.17:25
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airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> Hey @sidney.shiba I don't think this is related to your issue, but just in case, I did notice another issue that might keep dex from working correctly outside of a `test-site` context:
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> the json patch for `` is there as DNS does not resolve the FQDN for dex. My expectation is that the dex FQDN will be resolved by the DNS and therefore the `preKubeadmCommands` entry for `` should go away.18:09
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