Thursday, 2021-04-15

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airship-irc-bot<mf4716> *URGENT V2.0 GA Core & WF+1 reviews needed* for (revised) Add Overwrite Flag PS:
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airship-irc-bot<sirishagopigiri> Hi Team Requesting reviews on below PSs: Thank you in advance!13:24
airship-irc-bot<ratnopam.chakrabarti> Hi Team,13:43
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airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> Anyone else having issues with docker hub very recently?  I don't think I'm hitting the rate limiting issue, since it's a generic "503 Service Unavailable" error I'm getting from docker pull17:57
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> Seems outage-y
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> @imarijitbose FYI18:01
airship-irc-bot<imarijitbose> Yes same for me Matt18:01
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> perfect timing, right? :slightly_smiling_face:18:02
portdirecti could sounds clever and say, i bet its an aws issue18:02
airship-irc-bot<imarijitbose> could not be better18:02
portdirectour i could post this link: :(18:02
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> I choose to blame amazon and docker both18:02
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> just to be on the safe side18:03
portdirectblame is like Vegemite, its best spread thin :)18:04
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> +1 so thin you can't taste it18:04
airship-irc-bot<rp2723> I think is better to never spread vegemite or blame :-)18:22
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> docker's back up now at least, the brief taste is a memory now18:22
airship-irc-bot<niha.twinkle> @kk6740 Hi Kostiantyn, I have changed the image to and retried it from the beginning , it's still giving me error "The connection to the server was refused - did you specify the right host or port?" while running ./tools/gate/ and its failing after retries with "could not reach apiserver". These are the19:47
airship-irc-botlogs in /var/log/libvirt-consoles19:47
airship-irc-bot<rishabh.k.jain> ```Such a beautiful day :) used v2.0 from airshipctl and treasuremap.  airship@d101:~$ kubectl --kubeconfig /home/airship/.airship/kubeconfig --context target-cluster get machines NAME                         PROVIDERID                                      PHASE cluster-controlplane-lzjmz   metal3://f00c4096-52af-4b62-bbbb-607ee8cb1dbc   Running worker-1-5bc87ff868-zp7k7    metal3://d1575fb6-a56b-45f2-86d9-16d78dcf836920:01
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> I have identified an issue where our images repository is not pushing latest tags. so all the failures with to test-site deployment maybe related to it. Since everyone is getting stuck at booting up ephemeral vm.21:43
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> I’ve manually updated tag to latest right now, so if those who are having issues can redeploy it would be great21:44
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> can you try to redeploy now with latest image. i have made some changes there21:51

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