Sunday, 2021-04-04

airship-irc-bot<sean.eagan> @kk6740 @mattmceuen at your convenience, for GA:
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> @sean.eagan so now we have two post jobs to publish, commit + latest?01:47
airship-irc-bot<sean.eagan> correct, ideally we would refactor to push both tags via a single build, but that will take some refactoring effort01:49
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> ok, lets to do it after the release01:51
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> the only concern i have, is why two same jobs01:52
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> instead of reusing one01:52
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> ```    post:       jobs:         - images-upload-git-mirror         - airship-images-publish-latest         - airship-images-publish-commit```01:53
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> instead of:  ```    post:       jobs:         - name: images-upload-git-mirror         - name: airship-images-publish           vars:             image_tag: "{{ zuul.newrev }}"         - name: airship-images-publish           vars:             image_tag: latest```01:55
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> anyway, i’ve put +2, i dont think its detrimental now. but we can optimize this a bit later01:56
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airship-irc-bot<thaulow> Is there any information online about the timeline for release of V2.0 for production use?18:13
airship-irc-bot<thaulow> We are about to start deploying  Airship for production, but might not be the best idea to start on v1 if v2 is launching very soon, as it seems from preivous conversations and the github page?18:13
airship-irc-bot<thaulow> Saw that GA was part due for 4 days ago, so guessing very soon? :slightly_smiling_face:18:26
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> Hi @thaulow, We are releasing artifacts right now and release notes. So it will be available quite soon. And by the end of the month we release and groom all the documentation that maybe missing.18:28
airship-irc-bot<rp2723> @thaulow  , you mind me asking what type of environment you folks are planning . In terms of hw (variety, homogeneous vs mixed) , scale etc . We are wondering what future types of sites we want to target in treasure map . Beyond the airship-core and the multitenant types defined in v2.19:52
airship-irc-bot<thaulow> @kk6740 Thanks so much for the quick response, appreciate it! :slightly_smiling_face: Sounds great, we planned starting V1 deployment today, but then I guess maybe we should wait to tomorrow when the artifact is out?20:10
airship-irc-bot<thaulow> @rp2723 yeah sure! Well I would probably not be your average user, just so you are aware. Im running a small startup working on application and environment deployment in the cloud. We have 10 servers including genesis, we have mixed profile.20:14
airship-irc-bot<thaulow> 3x HP controller nodes and 7x Quanta nodes as worker (4x compute and 3x storage)20:15
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> is ur target k8s or openstack ?20:17
airship-irc-bot<thaulow> OpenStack-helm20:19
airship-irc-bot<thaulow> If we start today, should we clone master branch or v2.0 branch? Dont want to run into bugs :P20:20
airship-irc-bot<thaulow> Would you do v1 or v2. Kind of afraid if we go master branch today, we would have equally as much work migrating to v2 later on. But again if v2 is very unstable, we would have to20:22
airship-irc-bot<thaulow> @kk674020:31
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> I would recommend asking @rp2723 . I am afraid to give wrong recommendation :)20:36
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