Thursday, 2021-04-01

airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> `$ kubectl get po -A` `NAMESPACE                          NAME                                                            READY  STATUS            RESTARTS  AGE` `capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-system      capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-controller-manager-6f669ccd7c-9tzph      0/2    ErrImagePull      0         5500:07
airship-irc-bot    54s` `capi-system                        capi-controller-manager-5f677d7d65-prltc                        0/2    ImagePullBackOff  0         56s` `capi-webhook-system                capi-controller-manager-745689557d-vzwhl                        0/2    ErrImagePull      0         57s` `capi-webhook-system      00:07
airship-irc-bot`capi-webhook-system                capi-kubeadm-control-plane-controller-manager-7b6c4bf48d-49wnr  0/2    ImagePullBackOff  0         55s` `capi-webhook-system                capz-controller-manager-66f59b5554-ghwq4                        0/2    ImagePullBackOff  0         53s` `capz-system                        capz-controller-man00:07
airship-irc-bot        cert-manager-cainjector-fc6c787db-fxwpk                         1/1    Running           0         90s` `cert-manager                       cert-manager-d994d94d7-k9hlg                                    1/1    Running           0         90s` `cert-manager                     00:07
airship-irc-botam on the AT&T's laptop with VPN and proxy enabled:  `$ kubectl describe pod capi-controller-manager-5f677d7d65-prltc -n capi-system` `Name:        capi-controller-manager-5f677d7d65-prltc` `Namespace:   capi-system` `Priority:    0` `Node:        ephemeral-cluster-control-plane/` `Start Time:  Wed, 31 Mar 2021 18:07:38 -0500` `Containers:`  `kube-rbac-proxy:`    `Container ID:`      `Image:    Â00:07` `...`    `manager:`    `Container ID:`      `Image:` `...` `Events:`  `Type    Reason    Age                  From              Message`  `----    ------    ----                 ----              -------`  `Normal  Schedule00:07
airship-irc-botcapi-system/capi-controller-manager-5f677d7d65-prltc to ephemeral-cluster-control-plane`  `Warning Failed    41m (x2 over 41m)    kubelet           Error: ErrImagePull`  `Normal  BackOff   41m (x2 over 41m)    kubelet           Back-off pulling image ""`  `Warning Failed    41m (x2 over 41m)    kubelet           00:07
airship-irc-bot  kubelet           Pulling image ""`  `Warning Failed    40m (x3 over 41m)    kubelet           Failed to pull image "": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "": failed to copy: httpReaderSeeker: failed open: failed to do request: Get00:07
airship-irc-bot x509: certificate signed by unknown authority`  `Warning Failed    40m (x3 over 41m)    kubelet           Error: ErrImagePull`  `Normal  Pulling   40m (x3 over 41m)    kubelet           Pulling image "
airship-irc-bot  40m (x3 over 41m)    kubelet           Failed to pull image "": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "": failed to copy: httpReaderSeeker: failed open: failed to do request: Get00:07
airship-irc-bot x509: certificate signed by unknown authority`  `Normal  BackOff   16m (x105 over 41m)  kubelet           Back-off pulling image ""`  `Warning Failed    102s (x170 over 41m) kubel`00:07
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> maybe proxy issues?00:07
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> I thought I had the proxy sorted out as I can now access external web sites with VPN on. Will try again tomorrow without VPN and see what happens. Thanks Kostiantyn.00:09
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airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> Tried without VPN and then fails as it cannot pull the cert-manager image, which was working with VPN so assuming it is something else. Will try the same on Ericsson's laptop tomorrow.00:20
airship-irc-bot<> Roman, is the doc build turned off on the master branch? can it be turned it on when we start to merge v2 document into the master?00:51
airship-irc-bot<sreejith.punnapuzha> Zuul is down again. i cant reach the site01:01
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airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> gm folks - Sreejith's change to get helm-chart-collator working has merged.  I've updated the treasuremap->airshipctl pin to pull that in and then rebased James' dependent script change, reviews appreciated:
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> Those two patchsets are the last two we're trying to get in prior to cutting a v2.0 stabilization branch13:20
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airship-irc-bot<digambar.patil> @mattmceuen @dwalt @ih616h @kk6740 Please review -
airship-irc-bot<digambar.patil> Zuul is passed +114:17
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airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> This v2.0 branching requirements has passed validation and needs another +2, please:
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> It looks like we're having more zuul problems this morning :(14:53
airship-irc-bot<mf4716> URGENT V2.0 GA Reviews needed:  Sean Eagan se136c 784163 Sean Eagan se136c 784151 Sean Eagan se136c 784161
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> the infra team is aware of the zuul issue; and yes it's affecting jobs, not just the UI15:43
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airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> Hi team, while executing `airshipctl phase run clusterctl-init-target` the cert-manager pods didn't deploy due to tainted controlplane nodes. Do I still have to execute `kubectl taint node <controlplane-node>` or is there a mechanism to configure tolerations for this phase?16:36
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> Hmm, I thought cert-manager already had a toleration, that's strange16:48
airship-irc-bot<ratnopam.chakrabarti> Hi, can I get some core-reviews please on Thanks in advance!16:57
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> Gating hasn't kicked off on this: I suspect its because it got WF right around the time zuul was having issues.  I'll try removing / re-adding WF16:58
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> That seemed to unclog the pipes.17:03
airship-irc-bot<jan-erik.mangs> Is the “cloud provider zuul backend” again?17:07
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> oh dear.  I just noticed that an IRC message didn't get mirrored to Slack (hi jan-erik.mangs), even though Slack messages are getting mirrored to IRC17:09
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> This is the first I've logged into IRC for a few weeks, so I'm not sure how long that's been going on :(  Sorry IRC friends, we haven't been ignoring you!17:09
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> @ashlee is that something you could look into?17:09
airship-irc-bot<ashlee> Uh oh! Yeah let me ask Jonathan17:10
mattmceuenjan-erik.mangs: the issue today was a zuul-wide one, not a backend issue -- zuul itself was unavailable for a few minutes and running jobs got cancelled17:11
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airship-irc-bot<ashlee> @mattmceuen can you tell how long it’s been happening?17:12
airship-irc-bot<ashlee> Or, _not_ happening17:13
mattmceuenUnfortunately I've no idea, would need to compare IRC logs and Slack logs side by side17:13
jbrycei think this might have been related to a freenode maintenance activity17:14
mattmceuenthink it's the kind of thing a bounce would help with, or has the interface changed somehow?17:15
mattmceuenoh - I see you in slack jbryce :)17:15
jbryceit appears to be working again17:16
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jbryceit would have disconnected everyone, including the bot which should have reconnected17:16
jbrycesince my client also got disconnected, i can't actually see when the bot left and rejoined so i don't know how log it was down17:16
mattmceuenahh that makes sense.  Did you just need to bounce the bot to re-established?17:16
jbrycei didn't actually do anything17:17
mattmceuenoh funny -- maybe I just got lucky then spotting jan-erik's  message, and it was working fine before and after17:18
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airship-irc-bot<mf4716> URGENT V2.0 GA Reviews needed: Kostiantyn K. 784436 - "Move deployment scripts from test-site to function"17:46
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> It's got WF already17:46
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> Konstantine gave me a heads up on it -- we're going to need that in 2.0, but we don't really want to push back branching.  So we're thinking branch treasuremap after the two remaining patches merge (super super close)17:48
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> And then branch airshipctl after the 784436 fix above merges, if we can get it through the pipes quickly17:48
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> And then update the airshipctl pin in TM v2.0 branch to incorporate the change17:48
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> How's that sound to you @sean.eagan17:48
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> The 2 treasuremap changes - last ones from our list yesterday - are merged.  I think we're good to branch treasuremap at-will Sean if that plan sounds good to you17:58
airship-irc-bot<sean.eagan> Sounds good to me18:00
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airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> Hey @sean.eagan, MattF was looking and can't find any ability to rename branches in gerrit.  This is consistent with the ability not to delete branches, so not too suprising.  You'd said you weren't aware of any tricks, right?18:39
airship-irc-bot<sean.eagan> Updated several projects to do github mirroring on tag push so that release github actions (quay image tagging , release notes gen) will happen without delay, which should make the release process run much smoother. Please review:
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> Good catch18:57
airship-irc-bot<sean.eagan> I knew you couldn't delete tags, haven't dealt with branches before18:57
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> Yeah18:57
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> We should still see if we can use the git CLI -- `-m` for move -- in case that works @mf419218:58
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> I know it'll work locally :slightly_smiling_face: not sure about pushing the change18:58
airship-irc-bot<mf4192> Hmmm… is that referring to the permissions that got added? That makes it sound as if I should be able to see the option to delete a branch from the UI, but I don’t19:05
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> yeah.  worth a try, but if it's disabled in the UI it may be disabled via the cli19:06
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airship-irc-bot<sean.eagan> Created the treasuremap v2.0 branch from tip of v2:
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> @mattmceuen the patch i was talking about with TM fix was merged to airshipctl19:44
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> so you can proceed with the pinning19:45
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> Perfect - will do in our shiny new v2.0 branch :slightly_smiling_face:  Sean that also means you can branch airshipctl at will19:46
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> @sean.eagan airshipctl commit: 892bb6a16d53a0f43571284db83901bef53ed44019:50
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> TM pin update:
airship-irc-bot<sean.eagan> v2.0 branch of airshipctl created:
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> Ive missed some of the calls, but are we using branch or tag for release, or both?20:02
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> using vX.Y branch for stabilization (and future critical bug/security fixes if needed), and vX.Y.Z tags20:06
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> Only branching proactively for treasuremap and airshipctl20:06
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> So if we're lucky, only the v2.0.0 tag will be made off the v2.0 branch, next week; and if needed we'll make a v2.0.1 tag off the v2.0 branch in the future20:08
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