Tuesday, 2021-03-02

airship-irc-bot1<rishabh.k.jain> Hi  Team,  please review https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/airshipctl/+/77242501:17
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airship-irc-bot1<sirishagopigiri> Hi Team, I would like to request some reviews on these PSs:  https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/hostconfig-operator/+/775332 https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/hostconfig-operator/+/773389 https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/airshipctl/+/777930 Thank you in advance!14:52
airship-irc-bot1<sirajudeen.yasin> Team, can i request some reviews for these PSs https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/treasuremap/+/777797 => Treasuremap zuul specific issues addressed https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/airshipctl/+/778124 => collect only current apache2 log and not all the archived logs ( gz ). on CI env with static VM, it goes up to several MBs if not cleaned up https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/airshipctl/+/769617 => wait logic for14:56
airship-irc-bot1tigerastatus updated as per review comments14:56
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airship-irc-bot1<ih616h> Good morning team. I've been trying to deploy the SIP samples, but I'm getting an error because the sample BMHs for SIP reference non-existent secrets: https://github.com/airshipit/sip/blob/master/config/samples/bmh/bmh.yaml#L5816:43
airship-irc-bot1<ih616h> I can probably just remove those BMHs, but does anyone know why they're there in the first place?16:44
airship-irc-bot1<alexander.hughes> https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/sip/+/77769316:44
airship-irc-bot1<ih616h> :slightly_smiling_face:16:44
airship-irc-bot1<ih616h> thanks!16:44
airship-irc-bot1<alexander.hughes> I honestly thought that was merged already :slightly_smiling_face:16:45
airship-irc-bot1<ih616h> any idea why it isn't merging? Looks like Zuul doesn't want to run gates16:47
airship-irc-bot1<alexander.hughes> I was just wondering the same thing16:47
airship-irc-bot1<alexander.hughes> I'm going to rebase the change and see what happens16:48
airship-irc-bot1<alexander.hughes> patch passed the checks, it's going through gates now to merge.  hopefully will be merged in next ~20 minutes17:13
airship-irc-bot1<ih616h> awesome, thanks again17:13
airship-irc-bot1<alexander.hughes> my pleasure17:14
airship-irc-bot1<steven.fitzpatrick> Hey all, anyone familiar with how airshipctl phases run, and specifically how they wait for resources to become `AllCurrent`?  In [this PS](https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/treasuremap/+/769096) I'm adding this lma-infra composite to the initinfra-target phase. I ran the phase via `./tools/deployment/31_deploy_initinfra_target_node.sh`, and it seemed to deploy everything successfully: ```steven@airship-3:~$ kc get17:29
airship-irc-bot1helmrepository -A NAMESPACE   NAME                   URL                                                  READY   STATUS                                               AGE lma-infra   banzaicloud            https://kubernetes-charts.banzaicloud.com            True    Fetched revision: 2021-03-02T16:44:02Z               7h38m lma-infra   prometheus-community   https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts   True    Fetched revision:17:29
airship-irc-bot12020-09-27T05:31:40.762116-04:00   7h38m steven@airship-3:~$ kc get hr -n lma-infra NAME                       READY   STATUS                             AGE kube-prometheus-stack      True    Release reconciliation succeeded   7h29m logging-operator           True    Release reconciliation succeeded   7h29m logging-operator-logging   True    Release reconciliation succeeded   7h29m``` However, airshipctl never picked up on these items,17:29
airship-irc-bot1eventually timing out the phase. The last I can see in the `--debug` output is that these lma resources are `Unknown`.  Strangely, if I delete the lma resources and run the phase again, everything becomes `Current` quite quickly.  Looking to better understand what's going on. Logs attached. Thanks!17:29
airship-irc-bot1<sirajudeen.yasin> @steven.fitzpatrick,this might be something related to what we had in tigera-operator17:30
airship-irc-bot1<sirajudeen.yasin> one of the resource of tigera operator ( installations ) did not implement status ( condition ) , due to which the wait never met the condition and it fails.. so we had to implement a special nowait phase executor to overcome this situation..17:31
airship-irc-bot1<sirajudeen.yasin> can you please check the status field of your CR.. if it has conditions17:32
airship-irc-bot1<steven.fitzpatrick> Ahhh, okay. Sure17:32
airship-irc-bot1<sirajudeen.yasin> but now we have better ways to overcome this .. may be generic container is one of the options discussed.. i will wait for others suggestions17:35
airship-irc-bot1<kk6740> @steven.fitzpatrick can u try to isolate the resources that are actually not reaching current state in a first run?17:39
airship-irc-bot1<steven.fitzpatrick> Yeah, you're right. Most of the prometheus / logging operator CRs do not seem to have Status or Condition :thinking_face: Why would the phase complete nominally when I run it manually though?17:39
airship-irc-bot1<steven.fitzpatrick> @kk6740 do you know if this is summarized someplace? I don't see a "These resources were not Current" kind of message in the log, or in the phase configmap17:41
airship-irc-bot1<steven.fitzpatrick> Based on what I saw, the resources added in my PS were last in 'Unknown', in the first run of the phase17:41
airship-irc-bot1<kk6740> we use external lib to do all the magic, unfortunately it is not as verbose as we would like to about which resources dind’t reach the state17:42
airship-irc-bot1<kk6740> it logs the changes basically, so if resource status doesn’t change, it will not belogged17:42
airship-irc-bot1<kk6740> but, to start, i would create a new phase17:43
airship-irc-bot1<kk6740> for debugging17:43
airship-irc-bot1<kk6740> so that u throw out initinfra original items17:43
airship-irc-bot1<steven.fitzpatrick> I had it like that before actually - using an 'lma-infra' phase that ran after workload-target, everything deployed normally. Even when I re-run initinfra-target now, it seem to work just fine17:46
airship-irc-bot1<kk6740> hm17:49
airship-irc-bot1<kk6740> i don’t know internals17:49
airship-irc-bot1<kk6740> of what is there in lma-infra17:49
airship-irc-bot1<kk6740> are there helm charts?17:49
airship-irc-bot1<steven.fitzpatrick> Yeah, it is 2 helmrepositories and then 3 helmreleases17:50
airship-irc-bot1<steven.fitzpatrick> Those are explicit in the treasuremap documents. Those helmreleases deploy other things, CRDs & CRs, deployements, etc17:52
airship-irc-bot1<kk6740> so basically, if you separate this into two phases: 1. deploys operator && operator CRs 2. deploys operators CRS it works ?17:55
airship-irc-bot1<steven.fitzpatrick> In this case it isn't so easy to separate, since the HelmRelease is creating the CRDs + deploying some CRs as part of the release17:58
airship-irc-bot1<steven.fitzpatrick> Also, check out that manual-rerun.log file. You can see I delete the helmreleases and CRDS, then run the phase again manually. It's able to create everything successfully and end normally.18:00
airship-irc-bot1<steven.fitzpatrick> Just not while the playbook was running `./tools/deployment/31_deploy_initinfra_target_node.sh` ?18:00
airship-irc-bot1<kk6740> @steven.fitzpatrick sorry for misunderstanding here. I mean separate helm operator and helm operator CRD deployments, from helm operator CRs18:10
airship-irc-bot1<kk6740> because right now they are piled up in the same phase18:10
airship-irc-bot1<steven.fitzpatrick> Oh, I see what you mean. Because `flux-helm` composite and mine are installed in the same phase, right?18:11
airship-irc-bot1<kk6740> yes18:12
airship-irc-bot1<kk6740> i am not sure that that will help18:12
airship-irc-bot1<kk6740> but it would be first step for me to help investigate further18:12
airship-irc-bot1<steven.fitzpatrick> Sure, let me arrange that18:16
airship-irc-bot1<steven.fitzpatrick> @kk6740 might take a little while. I will ping you when I have another update19:12
airship-irc-bot1<kk6740> sure19:12
airship-irc-bot1<kk6740> :+1:19:12
airship-irc-bot1<steven.fitzpatrick> @sirajudeen.yasin Could you set up a jenkins build for treasuremap using my PS? https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/treasuremap/+/769096/19:13
airship-irc-bot1<steven.fitzpatrick> While I try to isolate the issue in my environment, maybe we can see if it's reproducible in jenkins19:13
airship-irc-bot1<sirajudeen.yasin> sure @steven.fitzpatrick, I will update if i can run a build with your PS19:14
airship-irc-bot1<steven.fitzpatrick> tyvm :+1:19:15
airship-irc-bot1<steven.fitzpatrick> @kk6740 Watching this jenkins console output, it seems to be stuck at the exact same place as in my build. I wonder if it could be due to these ```helmrelease.helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/kube-prometheus-stack created helmrelease.helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/logging-operator created helmrelease.helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/logging-operator-logging created``` being created before20:30
airship-irc-bot1```customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/helmreleases.helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io is Current: CRD is established``` I wish I could `kubectl get helmrelease -n lma-infra` on this jenkins site, because if it's like my lab then those HR are deployed and Ready, just not recognized by airshipctl.  I'm getting ready to push the PS with the separated phases20:30
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airship-irc-bot1<steven.fitzpatrick> With a separate phase, there is no issue: https://jenkins.nc.opensource.att.com/job/development/job/Treasuremap/job/Treasuremapv2-AirshipctlKnownState/129/console22:11
airship-irc-bot1<steven.fitzpatrick> However, we would like to include lma-infra in the initinfra phase, since it is infra after all22:11
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