Friday, 2020-09-18

airship-irc-bot<kk6740> @mnaser No, we are not managing OSH yet in new treasure map architecture, but i think that the plan is to use flux helm operator instead02:42
airship-irc-bot<pb269f> ^ id hope to start seeing moved over in soon which will back treasure map v203:42
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uzumakimattmceuen, Hey, I just sent a patch on the RAID extension to the hostgenerator-m3 template, do have a look and let me know if that works09:53
airship-irc-bot<> With beta milestone being right around the corner I expect we'll have a new blog post summarizing what changed from Alpha to Beta, similar to this blog post summarizing what happened from start of development to completion of the Alpha milestone  this article gives some background on Flux Helm Operator, why it was chosen, some gaps that exist and touches on "phases" to12:47
airship-irc-botaddress those gaps which is coming in a future blog12:47
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airship-irc-bot<se6518> Please, review proxy settings for Ironic:
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airship-irc-bot<ashlee> hi @channel, we wanted to declutter this channel a little bit, so now, to see bot notifications, make sure to join airship-gerritbot which mirrors to #airshipit-gerritbot in IRC19:01
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airship-irc-bot<alinruisu> Thank you Ashlee!19:11
airship-irc-bot<alinruisu> This is amazing!!!19:17
airship-irc-bot<alinruisu> Helm v 3 / Flux and metal319:18
airship-irc-bot<alinruisu> Christmas is coming early!19:18
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