Saturday, 2020-09-12

openstackgerritRatnopam Chakrabarti proposed airship/airshipctl master: Integrate openstack provider(capo) zuul scripts
openstackgerritMerged airship/airshipctl master: Implement phase and phase.Client interface
openstackgerritKostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add phase command objects
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openstackgerritKostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Use Helper in clusterctl and kube apply executors
openstackgerritKostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add phase command objects
openstackgerritKostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Switch phase commands to use refactored command objects
openstackgerritGuhan Eswaran proposed airship/airshipctl master: Support secret expiration checks and rotating svc accnt tokens
openstackgerritGuhan Eswaran proposed airship/airshipctl master: Support secret expiration checks and rotating svc accnt tokens
openstackgerritGuhan Eswaran proposed airship/airshipctl master: Support secret expiration checks and rotating svc accnt tokens
openstackgerritGuhan Eswaran proposed airship/airshipctl master: Support secret expiration checks and rotating svc accnt tokens
openstackgerritSirajudeen proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] upgrade capi to v0.3.7 and capm3 to v0.3.2
openstackgerritSirajudeen proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] upgrade cabpk to v0.3.7

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