Thursday, 2020-03-26

openstackgerritKostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Add ordering of the documents
openstackgerritKostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Add ordering of the documents
openstackgerritKostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Add ordering of the documents
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openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Remove unused OutputFormat type
airship-irc-bot<se6518> @kk6740 looks like runtime log gathering is broken and no need to do rechecks for my latest patchsets. I'm going to fix log gathering first. I see that when we switched to a new role for docker installation we changed docker package distribution from docker-ce to and runtime log gathering depends on docker service information from ansible.02:46
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> :+1:02:50
openstackgerritVladimir Maliaev proposed airship/promenade master: Adjust plugin cri parameters
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openstackgerritStas Egorov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP]: debug only
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openstackgerritMerged airship/airshipctl master: Moved last role to airshipctl
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openstackgerritVamsi Savaram proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Apache2 reverse proxy
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openstackgerritVamsi Savaram proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Apache2 reverse proxy
openstackgerritVamsi Savaram proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Apache2 reverse proxy
openstackgerritDmitry Ukov proposed airship/airshipctl master: Implement Ephemeral cluster readiness probe
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openstackgerritVamsi Savaram proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Apache2 reverse proxy
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openstackgerritVamsi Savaram proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Apache2 reverse proxy
openstackgerritVamsi Savaram proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Apache2 reverse proxy
openstackgerritVamsi Savaram proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Apache2 reverse proxy
openstackgerritDmitry Ukov proposed airship/airshipctl master: Shift KubeAdm provider function to upstream
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Remove unused OutputFormat type
openstackgerritDmitry Ukov proposed airship/airshipctl master: Use static CAPI components from upstream
openstackgerritMerged airship/airshipui master: Use .Get when obtaining argo-ui endpoint
openstackgerritAlexander Hughes proposed airship/airshipctl master: Remove unused code declarations
airship-irc-bot<> @dukov [0] merged but [1] is missing the 'Group' entry specified in [2].  Intentional?  [0] [1] [2]
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howellalexanderhughes: the group property is only needed for resources which have groups13:50
howellnamespaces don't have groups13:50
airship-irc-bot<> I see, thanks13:53
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airship-irc-bot<dukov> I'd like to rework this approach one more time and put static files generated as a part of CAPI release instead of using git clone14:07
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openstackgerritDmitry Ukov proposed airship/airshipctl master: Use static CAPI components from upstream
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openstackgerritKostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add ordering of the documents
openstackgerritDmitry Ukov proposed airship/airshipctl master: Use static CAPI components from upstream
airship-irc-bot<dwalt> is anyone else having trouble getting into the design call?15:04
airship-irc-bot<sirajudeen.yasin> yes15:04
airship-irc-bot<dwalt> phew15:04
airship-irc-bot<ih616h> weird - no issues here15:04
airship-irc-bot<dwalt> I don't feel left out now15:04
airship-irc-bot<sirajudeen.yasin> me and Sreejith also have issues connecting15:04
airship-irc-bot<ih616h> but there's only about 10 of us here15:04
airship-irc-bot<nfedorov> no problem , i was first :slightly_smiling_face:15:04
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airship-irc-bot<dwalt> I guess I'll have to be quicker on the draw next time :S15:05
airship-irc-bot<ih616h> haha yea it's a pretty exclusive call ;)15:05
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> same for me15:05
airship-irc-bot<nfedorov> no more than 10 peoples in one palce15:07
airship-irc-bot<> try dial in instructions15:07
airship-irc-bot<> I've had intermittent issues with webex lately, only sure way I've found to always get on is to dial in even if it's a pain15:07
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airship-irc-bot<kk6740> anyone was able to join?15:14
airship-irc-bot<dwalt> I dialed in15:14
airship-irc-bot<dwalt> it works, but no visuals15:14
airship-irc-bot<> worked on my phone, but not from computer.15:15
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> managed to join via pc15:16
airship-irc-bot<> I just need the magnifying glasses to see the beautiful diagram :slightly_smiling_face:15:16
airship-irc-bot<> @dwalt... I just got in from computer.15:18
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> I retried a few times and was able to get on for screen share (but dialed in till then)15:19
airship-irc-bot<dwalt> nice, I'm in. Thanks!15:19
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openstackgerritMerged airship/airshipctl master: Add ordering of the documents
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openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: WIP: Cluster Status library tools
openstackgerritKostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add selector to filter docs to be deplyed to k8s
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openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Uplift dependencies on kubernetes to 1.17
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: WIP: Cluster Status library tools
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Cluster Status library tools
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> Please review selector to skip document for k8s deployment @mattmceuen i remember we discussed the label to skip document deployment to kubernetes, however i think i lost the document where we decided how it would look like. I know u are working on the documnets, that are to be skipped during k8s deployment, so your review will be very appreciated. @am240k, @dukov please also take a look it at16:01
airship-irc-botwhen u have time16:01
openstackgerritDmitry Ukov proposed airship/airshipctl master: Enable insecure connections for remotedirect
openstackgerritKostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add selector to filter docs to be deplyed to k8s
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> Thanks @kk6740 will do16:08
openstackgerritAlan Meadows proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Support Redfish Auth
airship-irc-bot<am240k> Konstiantyn, LGTM even though I don't know of a use case just yet for not deploying a document16:26
airship-irc-bot<am240k> even if its an "airship config file" thats being sourced from to do replacements16:26
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airship-irc-bot<am240k> I am imagining we want it in the site for posterity16:26
airship-irc-bot<am240k> but it doesn't hurt16:26
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> substitution catalogues16:26
airship-irc-bot<am240k> ^16:26
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> seems like clutter if we add into the site; at least if we're also archiving the whole bundle as an object in the cluster16:27
airship-irc-bot<am240k> being able to `kubectl get secret/configmap... -o yaml` on a substitution catalog will be  a substantial improvement over what we have today16:27
airship-irc-bot<am240k> but sure, that can be decided at any point in time16:28
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> yeah, but a substitution catalog wouldn't be a secret/configmap16:28
airship-irc-bot<am240k> with the simple addition/removal of a label16:28
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> it would be an airship CRD16:28
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> CR rather.  So we'd also need to add the CRD16:28
airship-irc-bot<am240k> just an example, replace the above with `kubectl get airshipconfig/foo -o yaml` then16:28
airship-irc-bot<am240k> @mattmceuen hasn't debugged enough production sites to be tired of scuttling back to git document sets to get some basic info while in a site ;-)16:30
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> seems like a bit more work (CRD delivery etc) and secret-style attack surface, I think we'd want to make sure it's worth it to read 'em back out of the cluster16:31
airship-irc-bot<am240k> and of course mentally layering on global/type/site16:31
airship-irc-botAction: am240k weeps16:31
airship-irc-bot<am240k> anyways fine with the feature, so we can hash this later16:32
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> anything that keeps alanmeadows from weeping is a feature worth prioritizing16:32
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airship-irc-bot<kk6740> @mattmceuen so it is ` "true"`  ?16:37
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> Yep - if it's true, don't deploy it, is the way kustomize is using it16:38
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> I believe that's where we landed in design call; if not someone pls correct me16:38
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> well it does sound logical, but i don’t remember about the design call. Ok, i’ll experiment with this16:40
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> maybe was in the YAML call16:41
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> doesnt matter, i do believe :slightly_smiling_face:16:42
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> there have been a lot of calls and we've talked about a lot of labels :)  if you do come up with any concerns I am not wedded to the kustomize one16:42
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> Oh!  One diff I didn't mention @kk6740 is that kustomize actually uses that keyval as an /annotation/16:43
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> Right now your impl is label-based; would that throw a wrench in things?16:44
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> so its not label but annotation?16:45
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> If we wanted to be consistent w/ Kustomize on it - yes16:45
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> Labels are better for doc filtering, all else equal16:46
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> So honestly, I could go either way.16:46
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> If we do stick with labels, probably better not to use kustomize's annotation keyval, since that could lead to confusion16:47
airship-irc-bot<am240k> but if "true"`  is supported16:47
airship-irc-bot<am240k> it would mean airshipctl doing a kustomize build would just get it for free16:48
airship-irc-bot<am240k> as long as its in v3.2.0?16:48
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Uplift dependencies on kubernetes to 1.17
airship-irc-bot<am240k> The only thing I *didnt* like about this patchset16:48
airship-irc-bot<am240k> was it leads to differences between kustomize build vs airshipctl <do>16:48
airship-irc-bot<am240k> so if this approach aligns them again, that is better16:48
airship-irc-bot<am240k> perhaps the ask then, is a test that validates this?16:49
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> so annotation works well16:49
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> however we do need to selector still16:50
airship-irc-bot<am240k> no?16:51
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> alanmeadows -- it's not clear to me for certain yet whether  `kustomize build` does the filtering (yet), or whether it would have to be the config subcommand.  It wouldn't surprise me if we have to do our own filtering for now with a goal of letting kustomize do it later16:51
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> and annotation does set us up for that16:52
airship-irc-bot<am240k> I dont quite get it because16:52
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> > *alanmeadows*  [11:51 AM] > no? if i remove selector it does fail with this annotation, let me upload the patchset16:52
airship-irc-bot<am240k> what people do is kustomize build | kubectl apply16:52
airship-irc-bot<am240k> so it has to be supported by pruning the output from build?16:52
airship-irc-bot<am240k> or i dont get this feature16:53
airship-irc-bot<am240k> it should be easy to just look at the kustomize behavior in v3.2.0 for this annotation16:53
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> ++16:53
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> i’ll check it out16:53
airship-irc-bot<am240k> ```hpdesktop:~/Workbench/kustomize$ git branch -a | grep HEA * (HEAD detached at v3.2.0)   remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master hpdesktop:~/Workbench/kustomize$ grep -ri local-config * Binary file kustomize/kustomize matches hpdesktop:~/Workbench/kustomize$  ```16:54
airship-irc-botAction: am240k blinks16:54
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> v3.2.0 is old news :slightly_smiling_face:16:55
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> fast and furious development alan16:55
airship-irc-bot<am240k> mmm.16:55
openstackgerritKostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add selector to filter docs to be deplyed to k8s
airship-irc-bot<am240k> so your proposal16:56
airship-irc-bot<am240k> is we still need to do the selecting16:56
airship-irc-bot<am240k> but we should align with what new kustomize will support OOTB16:56
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> yep16:56
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> @am240k yes, we do need to do the selecting, our kustomize build ignores this annotation it seems, maybe it would be better to find where we are missing this piece and integrate during bundle build, rather in the deployment stage. However if for example we move away at some point from kustomize(i dont know how probable that is), we will have to create the selector again16:59
airship-irc-bot<am240k> yes agree given v3.2.0 doesnt seem to do anything with this label17:03
openstackgerritKostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add selector to filter docs to be deplyed to k8s
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> @kk6740 you may have missed some conversion in the PS from label->annotation?  e.g. in the manifests17:13
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> yes17:14
openstackgerritKostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add selector to filter docs to be deplyed to k8s
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Remove the various Equals methods from pkg/config
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openstackgerritAndrew Schiefelbein proposed airship/airshipui master: This adds a plugin for OpenStack to the Airship UI
openstackgerritDmitry Ukov proposed airship/airshipctl master: Use static CAPI components from upstream
openstackgerritDmitry Ukov proposed airship/airshipctl master: Use static CAPI components from upstream
openstackgerritAndrew Schiefelbein proposed airship/airshipui master: This adds a plugin for OpenStack to the Airship UI
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openstackgerritMerged airship/airshipctl master: Add selector to filter docs to be deplyed to k8s
openstackgerritAndrew Schiefelbein proposed airship/airshipui master: This adds a plugin for OpenStack to the Airship UI
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Cluster Status library tools
airship-irc-bot<dukov> @am240k @mattmceuen could you take a look on this . It massive.... but basically it removes all crds for capi components and replace them with one file compiled by capi release team and published on release page. Do you think it's viable approach? Should I split this into multiple (they'll be be huge anyway though)?18:50
airship-irc-bot<dukov> ```function ├── baremetal-provider │   ├── kustomization.yaml │   └── v0.3.0 │       ├── infrastructure-components.yaml │       ├── kustomization.yaml │       └── patch-image-version.yaml ├── cert-manager │   ├── kustomization.yaml │   └── v0.14.1 │       ├── cert-manager.yaml │       └── kustomization.yaml ├── cluster-api │ Â18:52
airship-irc-botephemeral │   ├── baremetal.yaml │   ├── kustomization.yaml │   └── secret.yaml └── kubeadm     ├── kustomization.yaml     └── v0.3.2         ├── bootstrap-components.yaml         └── kustomization.yaml```18:52
airship-irc-bot<dukov> ^ result18:52
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> @dukov I think it makes sense to consume directly whatever the CAPI team etc release, and then kustomize in tweaks we want (if any).  That'll cut down on the headaches when we update versions.  No concerns from me on the size of the patchset given its nature18:57
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> Am I missing any downsides?18:57
airship-irc-bot<dukov> ```cert-manager```18:59
airship-irc-bot<dukov> it's somewhat external to capi18:59
airship-irc-bot<dukov> but they are relying on to handle wehook cers18:59
airship-irc-bot<dukov> *webhook19:00
airship-irc-bot<dukov> they are using `kind: Certificate` and `kind: Issuer`19:01
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> Ah, and we had stripped that out previously?19:02
airship-irc-bot<dukov> we did not use webhooks19:03
airship-irc-bot<dukov> and as far as i can see kubeadm control plane controller needs some sort of cert management system19:03
airship-irc-bot<dukov> but may be i'm missing something19:04
airship-irc-bot<dukov> i mean this one
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> @dukov do we want automated certificates with this manager coming from something like vault, or supply signing certs to it?19:10
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> we definitely want to support _not_ using vault, whether or not we pull in vault support for free19:11
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> @dukov we're not deploying the CRDs in the same functions as the CRs that need them, rather than putting CRD definitions in global.  That might be better anyway; but are there any surprises that could cause?19:13
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> I butchered that sentence, let me try again19:14
airship-irc-bot<dukov> kustomize does not allow to remove resources from rendering while doing build19:14
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> @dukov in your patchset, we're now deploying the CRDs in the same functions as the CRs that need them, rather than the previous way of putting CRD definitions in global.  That might be better anyway; but are there any surprises that could cause?19:14
airship-irc-bot<dukov> the order will be handled  by kubectl (if we use it to apply resources)19:16
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> yeah.  should be fine19:16
airship-irc-bot<dukov> it's applying namespaces than crds that therest19:17
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> order of application is handled by bundle at runtime19:17
airship-irc-bot<dukov> ```kustomize build kubeadm | k apply -f - namespace/capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-system unchanged configured configured unchanged19:18 configured unchanged unchanged unchanged19:18 unchanged service/capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-controller-manager-metrics-service unchanged service/capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-webhook-service unchanged deployment.apps/capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-controller-manager unchanged deployment.apps/capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-controller-manager unchanged unchanged19:18 unchanged```19:18
airship-irc-bot<dukov> not sure if it's the case for airshipctl implementation19:19
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> :+1: looks good. It is handled by kustomize, and in airshipctl by bundle now19:19
openstackgerritMerged airship/airshipctl master: Uplift dependencies on kubernetes to 1.17
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> Unless we find some issue caused by using cert-manager, seems reasonable to use it -- all else equal, the closer we stay to default, expected CAPI management, the easier our lives will be19:21
openstackgerritDmitry Ukov proposed airship/airshipctl master: Use static CAPI components from upstream
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> We could also talk through it on Tuesday first if you didn't want it merged before?19:22
airship-irc-bot<dukov> It's not an urgent it'll just help to create a composite for initinfra19:25
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Cluster Status library tools
airship-irc-bot<dukov> but I'll create couple more CRs on top of this one to proceed with target cluster deployment19:26
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> cool, sounds good -- I've added to the tuesday agenda, "Cert-manager & using CAPI-provided manifests"19:28
openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: [#122] WIP: Add remote Client interface
openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: [#122] WIP: Use new Redfish client
openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: [#122] Add mock Redfish client
openstackgerritStas Egorov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP]: debug only
openstackgerritJames Gu proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add doc pull in deployment scripts
openstackgerritStas Egorov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP]: debug only
openstackgerritJames Gu proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add doc pull in deployment scripts
openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: [#122] WIP: Add remote Client interface
openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: [#122] Add mock Redfish client
openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: [#122] WIP: Use new Redfish client
openstackgerritDmitry Ukov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Add control plane deployment
openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed airship/armada master: Add
openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed airship/promenade master: Add
openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed airship/shipyard master: Add
openstackgerritMerged airship/airshipctl master: Enable insecure connections for remotedirect
openstackgerritMatt McEuen proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Update Kustomize to v3.3.1
openstackgerritStas Egorov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP]: debug only
openstackgerritAlan Meadows proposed airship/airshipctl master: Allow remotedirect to ignore http*_proxy settings
openstackgerritMerged airship/airshipctl master: Remove unused code declarations
openstackgerritStas Egorov proposed airship/airshipctl master: Fixed runtime log gathering
openstackgerritMatt McEuen proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Update Kustomize to v3.3.1
openstackgerritMerged airship/airshipctl master: Remove unused OutputFormat type
openstackgerritMerged airship/airshipctl master: Remove unused kubernetes String functions
openstackgerritMerged airship/airshipctl master: Remove the various Equals methods from pkg/config
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Refactor ClusterComplexName
openstackgerritMerged airship/airshipui master: Cleanup unused code in airshipui

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