Thursday, 2019-06-27

openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: Refactor seaworthy and airsloop Jenkins jobs
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alexanderhughesCan I get a core to look over please?  It sets all files created by Pegleg to 640 permissions, previously they were overly permissive and since nearly everything Pegleg writes to a file is a secret there were concerns that this needed to be locked down13:57
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openstackgerritKudaka Poorna Rajesh proposed airship/promenade master: Enable probes config for etcd
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openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Rename module to reflect its new location
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Initial airshipctl checks
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Initial airshipctl checks
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openstackgerritStas Egorov proposed airship/promenade master: hyperkube image in promenade init
openstackgerritStas Egorov proposed airship/airship-in-a-bottle master: Extract hyperkube before promenade
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openstackgerritAlexander Hughes proposed airship/pegleg master: Set 640 file permissions at time of creation
openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Add basic gates and docs build
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Initial airshipctl checks
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openstackgerritIan Pittwood proposed airship/spyglass-plugin-xls master: Testing for plugin
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kskelsatsgen_saket: hello15:55
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howelldoes anyone have any experience with the ansible 'make' task in a zuul job?16:03
howellI believe I may be running make in the wrong directory:;f=playbooks/airship-airshipctl-lint-test.yaml;hb=refs/changes/80/667680/12#l3216:06
howellthis variable: {{ zuul.project.src_dir | realpath }} should be the root of the repo, right?16:06
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Initial airshipctl checks
sthusseyI was having the same issue16:10
sthusseyusing that pipeline to mount a volume into the golang docker container16:10
sthusseydebug output shows it would be the root of the repo16:10
howellRight. I'm going to try to hack together something to at least get some better information on what's happening16:11
sthusseyHere is how we use the make module in current Airship projects16:11
sthusseyWe omit the 'realpath' filter16:11
howellok, I'll try removing that16:12
howellweird if that's what's breaking it though...16:12
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sthusseyI don't think it should. Below is the debug output from the last run I had of my zuul changes for airshipctl16:13
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Initial airshipctl checks
sthusseyWhich to me it looks like the pipeline expands correctly16:13
openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Add basic gates and docs build
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openstackgerritAlexander Hughes proposed airship/pegleg master: Set 640 file permissions at time of creation
howellRemoving the realpath pipeline seems to have fixed it. I have no idea why16:34
CobHeadSo I'm trying to deploy AirShip in a Bottle again after a 2 week hiatus. It still seems like the PostgreSQL container enters a crashloopbackoff.16:36
CobHeadLogs say it still can't find the databse.16:36
CobHeadAny updated repo I can refer to instead? Been using this:
openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Add basic gates and docs build
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kskelsCobHead: yes, we had uplift for postgress -I will check if it's already merged16:51
kskelsthat should address the postgres issue - you may re-try again and yes, treasuremap is the right reference for it now16:51
kskelsI believe we need this to make PostgresSQL more stable16:52
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Rename module to reflect its new location
CobHeadI'll try again and report how it went.17:00
CobHeadThanks :)17:00
howellCould I get some reviews on this:
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howellThe goal for this first PS is simplicity17:15
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openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Add basic gates and docs build
CobHeadkskels, I still get the same result @ the PostGreSQL container17:41
kskelsyeah - the postrgress HA is not yet merged17:43
kskelsI'll follow up see if we can merge it17:43
kskelswe also ocasionally get it - but in our testing it happens rare17:43
CobHeadDo you have a link for the PR?17:43
kskels(it's mostly due to using NFS in airship in a bottle, normally it's Ceph that is used.. so there is some issue)17:43
kskelsis the PS we need to merge and could improve the situation17:44
openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Add basic gates and docs build
CobHeadSo the theory is that this happens because of write permissions in NFS?17:45
CobHeadand/or read^17:46
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openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Remove travis CI config file
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Remove travis CI config file
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openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add basic gates and docs build
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: WIP Uplift all components
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: Fix Keystone password for Horizon chart
kskelsCobHead: I believe evgenyl has some more details18:38
kskelsnot sure how to tag properly :)18:38
evgenylCobHead: This happens only with NFS backend, however the problem may be related to some race within postgresql chart, this is the reason why we want to try to pull the refactored version.18:39
roman_gkskels: just name works, no need to add @18:44
kskelsroman_g thank!18:46
openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed airship/docs master: [WIP] Add basic gate and docs
openstackgerritKaspars Skels proposed airship/treasuremap master: Uplift Promenade
roman_gsthussey: Scott, back to yesterday's issue with Git module requiring user in /etc/passwd to make temporary commit. I was looking trough code, and I'd like to ask: don't you think that _commit_ is intentional (for the cases when someone made manual changes to site docs and wants to run pegleg over updated set)?18:52
sthusseythen why not just use the dirty repo?18:52
roman_ggood question.18:54
roman_gbecause there could be a mess when ref is checked out18:54
roman_gover dirty repo18:54
openstackgerritKaspars Skels proposed airship/treasuremap master: Using tools/airship wrapper in airsloop Jenkins jobs
sthusseyIf you are checking a ref out, then why would you expect to use uncommited changes?18:55
sthusseyI mean, this is just personal opinion. But it doesn't seem to me there is coherent design here.18:56
roman_gyep. we can't guess what actually user wants: ref or ref+uncommitted changes18:57
openstackgerritchinasubbareddy mallavarapu proposed airship/treasuremap master: [CEPH] uplift charts and enable helm tests
sthusseyHow does committing help?19:04
sthusseyIf you commit changes, then check out a new refspec you lose the committed changes19:04
sthusseyUnless the code is rebasing the commit on the refspec19:04
openstackgerritScott Hussey proposed airship/promenade master: Make aux etcd more conservative
openstackgerritchinasubbareddy mallavarapu proposed airship/treasuremap master: [CEPH] uplift charts and enable helm tests
roman_gsthussey: no, it is not being rebased19:16
roman_gbut at least state is saved in git...19:16
roman_gsthussey: git stash also requires user to be set (until very recent Git version, 1Q 2019)19:17
sthusseySeems no clean way forward19:27
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Initial airshipctl checks
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Initial airshipctl checks
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Switch from travis to zuul
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Switch from travis to zuul
openstackgerritAlexander Hughes proposed airship/pegleg master: Set 640 file permissions at time of creation
openstackgerritAlexander Hughes proposed airship/pegleg master: [WIP] Site and global secret decrypt.
openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed airship/pegleg master: Fix: don't require user to be existing in OS
roman_gsthussey: ^^^ - yer version with git add --all && git reset --hard19:58
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roman_gkskels: another workaround for the issue we have had
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openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed airship/docs master: Add basic gate and docs
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openstackgerritAlexander Hughes proposed airship/pegleg master: Set 640 file permissions at time of creation
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openstackgerritKaspars Skels proposed airship/treasuremap master: Minor fixes to Airsloop docs
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openstackgerritAlexander Hughes proposed airship/pegleg master: Set 640 file permissions at time of creation
openstackgerritAlexander Hughes proposed airship/pegleg master: [WIP] Site and global secret decrypt.
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openstackgerritAlexander Hughes proposed airship/pegleg master: Implement default umask for 640 file permissions
openstackgerritAlexander Hughes proposed airship/pegleg master: [WIP] Site and global secret decrypt.
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Switch from travis to zuul
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Switch from travis to zuul
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Switch from travis to zuul
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Switch from travis to zuul
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openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: Uplift Promenade
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: Align java_opts parameter for elasticsearch
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: Separate fluentbit and fluentd charts
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: Fix Keystone password for Horizon chart
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: Uplift all components
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