Wednesday, 2019-02-06

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openstackgerritKaspars Skels proposed openstack/airship-in-a-bottle master: [wip] Add networks to gate-multinode
openstackgerritKaspars Skels proposed openstack/airship-in-a-bottle master: [wip] Add networks to gate-multinode
openstackgerritMatt McEuen proposed openstack/airship-promenade master: Update to Kubernetes 1.11.6
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openstackgerritDan Crank proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: [WIP] Log client-id in UCP API endpoints
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/airship-treasuremap master: Update Shipyard Pod Configuration
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openstackgerritDan Crank proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: [WIP] Log client-id in UCP API endpoints
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openstackgerritSirajudeen proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: [Decrypt] - Added Decrypt before doc upload
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openstackgerritAnsuman Bebarta proposed openstack/airship-tempest-plugin master: Implementation of Shipyard API functional tests
openstackgerritStacey Fletcher proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: Update requirements.txt
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openstackgerritSirajudeen proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: [Decrypt] - Added Decrypt before doc upload
openstackgerritLev Morgan proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: Search all scopes for catalogs
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dwalto/ georgk! Sorry I missed you yesterday. mattmceuen said you were interested in learning more about mini-mirror?15:42
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openstackgerritJagan Mohan Kavva proposed openstack/airship-promenade master: UCP: Enable pod priority feature gate in K8s
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mbeierlhey, mattmceuen.  Turns out I have a conflict and will not be able to make this Thursday's meeting.  Sorry about that.16:28
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openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed openstack/airship-treasuremap master: global: Add nfs-provisioner chart
openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed openstack/airship-treasuremap master: airskiff: Use global Airship charts
openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed openstack/airship-treasuremap master: airskiff: Use global Airship charts
mattmceuenhey mbeierl, no worries!  we'll record it and get it to you17:05
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Any changes failed around 16:30 UTC today with a review comment from Zuul like "ERROR Unable to find playbook" can be safely rechecked; this was an unanticipated side effect of our work to move base job definitions between configuration repositories.17:26
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openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed openstack/airship-treasuremap master: Airskiff: Unpin Armada
openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed openstack/airship-treasuremap master: airskiff: Pull rather than build Airship images
openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed openstack/airship-treasuremap master: airskiff: Pull rather than build Airship images
openstackgerritSirajudeen proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: [Decrypt] - Added Decrypt before doc upload
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mbeierlWait - when is the actual call time on Thursday?18:03
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mattmceuen10am central mbeierl18:34
mbeierlok, then, ya I do have a conflict.  I found an old email that said Thursdays would alternate times18:34
mattmceuenug, yeah at one point that was the case... I'll go to the wiki and make sure it's accurate18:35
mbeierlsounds good, thanks again!18:35
mattmceuenoho, with little fanfare, looks like kaspars released another stable snapshot of airship-treasuremap a couple days ago :)18:38
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georgkmattmceuen: one question regarding the treasumre releases19:02
mattmceuensure thing19:26
openstackgerritLev Morgan proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: CLI: Add command to generate genesis bundle
georgkmattmceuen: yes, hi. well, relaying a question from colleagues who are working on bringing up AIrship in our lab. They based their config on the last release of treasuremap, but ran into which looked like versioning problems.19:35
georgkmattmceuen: so, their question is how to pick a good baseline for their config. The obvious answer is the tagged releases.19:36
georgkmattmceuen: is that a save assumption?19:37
mattmceuenabsolutely - tagged releases are the best thing to base a lab on19:39
mattmceuentreasuremap in between tagged releases is a good thing to do integration testing with and development on19:39
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georgkmattmceuen: yes, I thought so (obviously). Thanks for confirming.19:43
mattmceuengeorgk: sure thing, let me know if you guys hit any bumps!19:45
georgkmattmceuen: ah, dangerous statement :-) They indeed fight with ceph for a few days, but I am not fully up to date to describe their problem19:46
openstackgerritLev Morgan proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: CLI: Add command to generate genesis bundle
georgkI believe the latest issue is that the RGWs dont come up19:47
mattmceuenah, ceph19:47
openstackgerritJagan Mohan Kavva proposed openstack/airship-promenade master: UCP: Enable pod priority feature gate in K8s
mattmceuengotcha - if they get stuck on that then we should get more eyeballs on the logs19:48
georgkright, I´ll ask them to post their issue on the mailing list19:49
openstackgerritLev Morgan proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: CLI: Add command to generate genesis bundle
roman_gsthussey: Hi Scott. Do you know if there is a possibility to quickly check if RTD build would work or not?20:09
roman_gRunning commands exactly like those shown in logs of successfull builds does not produce me with the same results.20:10
roman_gI think I need to run test builds from within their container, but may be something else is missing.20:10
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openstackgerritDan Crank proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: [WIP] Log client-id in UCP API endpoints
sthussey@roman_g I don't know20:26
sthusseyI'm not sure how to reproduce their build system20:28
mattmceuenso I was thinking about how we could improve "airskiff"-based testing20:34
mattmceuen"airskiff" is really several different things:20:35
mattmceuen1. some deployment tooling/scripting, good for deploying in a VM or a dev laptop baremetal
mattmceuen2. some bootstrap armada manifests to install airship, sans, promenade, drydock, armada:
mattmceuen3. a site definition that inherits from treasuremap globals but tunes things down for a single-node deployment w/o the components mentioned above
mattmceuenI've come to really not like #220:37
mattmceuenI think we can adhere better to the legit treasuremap global-level yamls by rendering them with pegleg and using them for airskiff's armada cli-based bootstrap phase20:38
mattmceuenand then simply having an armada Manifest that tunes down the things that get deployed20:39
mattmceuenpotentially different manifests for different purposes -- e.g. with/without LMA, with/without OSH, etc20:39
mattmceueninterested in feedback on this before I start spending time on it ;-)20:40
mattmceuengoal would be to enhance the "dev on laptop" experience (by staying true to treasuremap globals) while also opening up a virtual testing path for airship + workload that leaves out the bare metal provisioning bits20:41
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evgenylSo you want to move needed overrides/make them configurable from tools/deployment/airskiff/manifests/airship.yaml to site/airskiff/manifests? Or is it something else?20:46
openstackgerritJagan Mohan Kavva proposed openstack/airship-promenade master: UCP: Enable pod priority feature gate in K8s
mattmceuenyeah evgenyl, or more specifically replace the airship.yaml static manifest with the global manifests as much as possible - and then override whatever bits are necessary at the airskiff site level20:49
evgenylmattmceuen: sounds good, I see that there are several versions redefined (in airship.yaml), I'm wondering what was the reason for having those different from treasuremap globals?20:54
mattmceuenit was just the evolution of airskiff20:55
mattmceuenit started out as something completely different from treasuremap -- was just shell scripts that deployed airship helm charts with the `helm` cli, plus a little bit of yaml for the "workload"20:56
mattmceuenthen when it joined into treasuremap, it replaced the "workload" part with a treasuremap manifest20:56
mattmceuenbut the helm cli approach was separately replaced with a static manifest20:56
mattmceuenI think we can just align them further now20:57
evgenylI see..21:04
evgenylThen another question, from use-case perspective, what is the difference between airskiff and AIAB devel?21:05
evgenylAs far as I remember it also gets only basic undercloud services installed (no osh and osh-infra).21:06
mattmceuenfor use as a dev environment, AIAB is nice because it gives you the full Airship stack (including prom and bare metal)21:09
mattmceuenairskiff is nice because it runs on bare metal and is lighter weight21:09
mattmceuenairskiff lets you redeploy changes you've made to a component into your running airship pretty quickly21:10
mattmceuenalthough long term I'd like to align them as much as possible -- and just be able to use different deployment tooling etc to deploy the same set of manifests to a single node dev laptop env, or a single or multi-VM gating job21:13
evgenylInteresting, thanks for the clarification!21:16
mattmceuenlonger term, it would be great to solve for making "bring your own bare metal/VMs" as a first-class citizen using drydock.  sthussey had made a no-op drydock plugin a while back (which I'll admit to not playing with yet) which could maybe be used as a start for that21:16
sthussey@seaneagan thoughts on an idea like having Armada chart documents define one or more 'scaling profiles' - the only required would be 'default'. Then a Armada manifest could identify what 'scale profile' all the charts should use. For those that define that particular scale profile (e.g. 'bootstrap'), it would inform how the Kubernetes resources are scaled. For those that don't, it just falls back to default.21:44
sthusseyI haven't through exactly how the profiles would interact w/ chart overrides, but I think there is a path there21:45
openstackgerritNishant Kumar proposed openstack/airship-maas master: Set MAAS DB password at every login
mattmceuenI think something like that^ might benefit multiple "reuse the same manifests" scenarios... dev vs lab,  single node vs multi node, bootstrap vs post-genesis...21:55
mattmceuena more traditional alternative would be something like a scalability catalog that each site could define, which would define replicas for generic categories of service like "ha", "quorum", etc21:59
mattmceuenI suspect sthussey's thought would account for more use cases, and mine would cover less but be quicker to hash out22:00
openstackgerritJagan Mohan Kavva proposed openstack/airship-promenade master: UCP: Enable pod priority feature gate in K8s
openstackgerritDan Crank proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: [WIP] Log client-id in UCP API endpoints
sthusseyYeah, was just trying to come up with a pattern that keeps the knowledge of how a chart behaves as close to that chart.22:02
sthusseyBut allows a broad switch in how the chart was being deployed22:02
openstackgerritKaspars Skels proposed openstack/airship-in-a-bottle master: [wip] Add networks to gate-multinode
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openstackgerritJagan Mohan Kavva proposed openstack/airship-promenade master: UCP: Enable pod priority feature gate in K8s
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openstackgerritDan Crank proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: [WIP] Log client-id in UCP API endpoints
openstackgerritBryan Strassner proposed openstack/airship-shipyard master: Use UBUNTU_BASE_IMAGE instead of BASE_IMAGE
openstackgerritBryan Strassner proposed openstack/airship-armada master: Use UBUNTU_BASE_IMAGE instead of BASE_IMAGE
openstackgerritMichael Beaver proposed openstack/airship-armada master: Refactor tiller commands to handle methods
openstackgerritMichael Beaver proposed openstack/airship-armada master: Support in Armada for locking Tiller
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dwaltI'm a little late to the party here, but I have been working to use the existing globals for the Airship charts in Airskiff:
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dwaltmattmceuen: I think this is work that would be required to accomplish either option 1 or option 323:34
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openstackgerritDan Crank proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: [WIP] Log client-id in UCP API endpoints
openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: Embed UML generated diagrams into docs
mattmceuenoh that's fantastic dwalt23:47
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mattmceuenI will give that a spin!!23:48
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